Friday, March 15, 2013

A Wank By Any Other Name...

You know you're a mum when 'patting the bunny' means this:

And not this:

Monday, March 11, 2013

Don't Panic! or Teens and Towels

Technically, my eldest daughter is a young adult, now, at the ripe old age of 19... but 'Young Adults and Towels' just doesn't have the same ring.

Hopefully, I'm not the only mum who frakked up and didn't teach her offspring proper care and feeding of towels. Because my eldest kids are HORRIBLE when it comes to washing towels. They use them, then throw them on the floor all wadded up like a wet rat, leaving them to get stinky. Then we (the responsible towel users in the family, aka 'The GrownUps') can't find them when we need them. We end up using and washing the same couple of towels, over and over, even though we know somewhere there are at least a few more towels because didn't we, in a moment of desperation, hit up JC Penney for a few extra towels?

And then when we do find the towels, we end up spending hours washing load after load of towels, soaking them in baking soda and vinegar, washing them in detergent, softener, colour safe bleach, trying to get that damn stank out, cursing the day our offspring crawled from the womb and failed to learn how to hang their frakkin' towels up...

So this weekend, in a fit of towel frenzy, my mate decided to wash the towels. He requested that I rally up all the dirty towels in the house.

Me: Do you have any towels? We're going to wash a load of them tomorrow.

TheGirlWeenit (aka, my eldest daughter): Hang on a minute... I may have a few...

<drags out ginormous laundry basket, overflowing with towels>

"Just a few towels", she said.

So, what does any frustrated mum do when she realizes she's somehow failed in teaching her offspring not to horde wet, dirty towels? Photoshop, of course:

Maybe text time she'll wash her towels.

PS: Today's blog is in honour of Douglas Adams. Don't panic and bring a towel.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Can We Euthanize the Mums, Instead?

Dear Mummy Group*,

I’ve recently noticed my Cat/Dog/Bird/Fish/Turtle/Slow Loris/Whatever Pet I Own has been terrorizing my toddler. The Cat/Dog/Bird/Fish/Turtle/Slow Loris/Whatever Pet I Own has been scratching/biting/beaking/finning/bumping/staring at my toddler. Even though I’ve owned my toddler for three years, I do not want it in my family anymore, since it is causing so much stress to my Cat/Dog/Bird/Fish/Turtle/Slow Loris/Whatever Pet I Own, and making it cry. Any idea where I can send my toddler where they won’t just put it to sleep but will try to find it a new home?

-said no mum ever

*sarcasm font warning ahead

For the third time in one month, I’ve read posts by other mums in my Mummy Group, asking where they can send their beloved, elderly pet to get rid of them because their toddler is terrorizing the pet and it is stressing everyone out. I actually throw up in my heart a bit every time I see this (and it is WAY too prevalent – not just in my mum’s group.) Don’t get me wrong, I think these pets shouldn’t EVER be terrorized by anyone, let alone a one and a half foot tall poopy-smelling human being. But for fuck’s sake. Re-homing your pet, traumatizing them further by removing them from the only environment they’ve known, plugging up our shelters, risking having that animal put to sleep – what the frak is wrong with you people?!

I have an idea. Now, granted, I’m not the smartest person on the planet, so I could be way out of line here, but hey! HOW ABOUT TEACHING YOUR TODDLER SOME FUCKING PET MANNERS?! Like, oh… not sitting on the cat, or pulling your dog’s tail, or shaking your bird’s cage, or thwacking your fish’s tank, or poking your turtle’s head, or laughing at your poor slow loris’s attempt to run a 5k. I mean, seriously. That pet that you bought/adopted/found abandoned on the side of the road, was once your ‘baby’, too, and now that you have a new, human baby, you’re just going to ditch it and lie to yourself by telling yourself it’ll find a good home or not be put to sleep? I have a better idea: let’s euthanize you, instead. Because you’re terrorizing your pets.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Your Toddler is a Muscle-Deficient Wuss

Every time I think I’ve seen someone hit the height of stupidity, someone else comes along and out-stupids them. I was going to write about Indigo Children – the next step in human evolution (backwards) – but then this question popped up in the mummy playgroup I belong to:

I’m going to start my toddler on a high protein diet. What foods should I feed him?

My jaw actually, physically popped open. High protein diet? For toddlers?! What the frak? So, I clicked on the discussion, thinking other mums would be all, ‘Why are you putting your toddler on a high protein diet?’ but instead, it is chock full of advice on recipes and snacks to feed your toddler.

I was still in a heightened state of disbelief. Last I heard, high protein diets were for body builders who wanted to bulk up and gain some seriously (unattractive, IMHO) muscle mass, and cats with poopy butts (my daughter [aka TheGirlWeenit] owns a Maine Coone who was suffering from… how shall we call it? Oh, hell: Shit-Arse. Come to find out, increasing their protein also firms poop up some so it won’t stick to fur.)

So, I used my GoogleFu, Luke. Come to find out, Toddler High Protein Diets are all the rage. Because years and years of a healthy, normal toddler diet isn’t healthy. Nooo… millennia of toddlers have been suffering from a lack of protein and are unable to keep up with their high protein’d peers in stumbling, climbing the couch, and face-planting. Oh, and we definitely want our toddlers to have strong hair. Because, according to one website, keratin is a protein and toddlers can’t make enough hair with a normal diet.

So, now I’m envisioning a race of toddlers with six foot hair and Schwarzeneggerish muscles. And praying Daenerys doesn’t grow up to marry one.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sometimes I'm Below Average... Sometimes I'm Above Average...

... but one thing I know is, I rarely seem to fit in.

The latest parenting trends seem to either be a throwback to Neanderthal ways (let's beat the children!) or extreme attachment parenting (never set the baby down! no one sets the baby down!) Oh, and then there's the parents of INDIGO CHILDREN... the next step in evolution! or as I like to call it, "how to justify my child being an utter shit". (Note: henceforth, extreme attachment parents and IndigoParents will be referred to as "DoucheCanoes".)

I'm none of these. I'm just a mum, muddling through, going with my instinct, using common sense, making mistakes, loving my offspring, and hoping they won't need too many years of therapy as a result of suffering with my genes and my parenting.

And because I'm out here in the bigbad universe all by myself, floundering around without a peer in the world, I figured I'd chronicle my attempts at A) making peace with that, B) trying not to make war with the insanity that is quite often my peers, and C) trying not to frak up this whole scary thing we call 'being a mum'. Care to join me?

And if that doesn't paint a clear picture of who I am, here's the facts and nothing but the facts - except when I exaggerate... or in places of sheer denial:

- I'm 40 years old.

- I've been married once.

- Okay, twice.

- Well, really, three times. But I'm on my forever man, now. No, seriously. I am. Shut up!

- Speaking of men, I'm bisexual. And not one of those, 'ooooh, doncha think it's sexy when I kiss a chick' bisexuals (although, obviously, *I* think it's sexy. But I don't do it to turn you on. Unless I'm kissing you.) I was born this way. Even when I was wee, I had the hots for little boys and little girls. Erp... but only back when I was a little girl myself. Now I just have the hots for adult boys and girls.

- Which brings me to the next point: I believe in monogamy. So, no, I won't be taking any vids of me kissing other girls. Uhm... how much cash are you willing to pay, anyway. Just out of curiosity... and stuff.

- I have two offspring from my first marriage - although technically, my son is a bastard. A fact I enjoy lording over him.

- Those two kids aren't technically kids anymore. My son is 21, and my daughter is 19, and both are quite, quite embarrassed by me: so my work there is (mostly) done.

- Speaking of offspring, if you look up the definition of insanity in the dictionary, you will learn that officially, starting over with a new wee one at age 40 is, in fact, insane.

- I have a four month old daughter, Daenerys Inarra, with my current (and last!) husband. (If this one fails, I'm sending myself to the nunnery.)

- Yes, I did name my baby after two iconic pop culture references (one of which I deliberately misspelled). You win the prize if you know from whence her name came. No using your GoogleFu, Luke.

- I'm a bit crazy.

- Okay, I'm a bit more than a bit crazy.

- But really, in a good way. So that's all right then.